Moot Blog — lingerie RSS

Why Moot Needs You

We need you! It has been an eventful year since we first hit ‘live’ on our first website -  13 months and 3 web versions ago. We had no idea, of course, what was just around the corner for the world, and we think we have navigated the pandemic as well as any new start up. What has been harder for us, and is not the experience of ‘any new start up’ is the near impossibility of being seen.  You’re incredibly important to us because you’re here; by some good fortune you have found us and you like us!  We know that there are thousands of you out there, men and women who are bored of boxers and are far...

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Mental Health and The Power of Small Things

It is really important to stop and think about this. What are you able to offer yourself? Could you have a walk at lunchtime? - it really does work, it sounds way too simple to be an effective lift, but it is. Could you arrange to meet your little nephews on that hill near to them and try and get the kite to fly? Or surprise your partner / friend / neighbour by having a go at making a cake? It is quite remarkable how seemingly small gestures have a far greater effect on how you feel about yourself.

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