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Leotards and Bodysuits for Men and Masc Bodies

This is the ultimate sexy leotard for men and bodies needing a pouch fit. If you’re of a certain age, you will understand the name and totally get our inspiration. We wanted to give you a perfectly fitted ‘body’ - one which allows the right space for the shape of your form and still gives a fabulous lift over your hips to recreate the iconic arch which is pure sexiness peeking over the waistband of your favourite jeans. 

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The Rebels we Love

Anna, who works in the little Moot team, knows one such man quite well. A child that she once taught in her school class, with whom she has kept in touch with over the years. A little boy who struggled to fit into the sporty world, the popular crowd, a boy who knew early on that he had to hide the things that he really liked for fear of being laughed at. Well, just have a look at him now. 

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