Your Stories - A Shock and a Surprise.

It has been so good hearing and reading the supportive comments that have come through for Joe since we published his very touching account of growing up with his secret love of fine underwear. Unbearably, so many people can relate to his fear of discovery and the shame which caused him to destroy the things he wanted to own. 

Here is another account, sent in from a Moot fan who wanted to remain unnamed. The same early realisation that this enjoyable feeling was only available to women and girls. 

However, this story has a very different ending and one that we are aware is a very likely outcome. Getting to the point where you cross that 'secret' barrier is the hardest part - but the other side can be a fabulous place to be. 


'I read Joe's story and mine started in a very similar way. From a young age I’d liked to wear my mum's tights and loved the way they felt when wearing them. As I got older the desire to wear “unconventional underwear” never left me and I dipped in and out of various girl friends' knicker drawers but I never had the courage to let anyone know. If I'm honest the thought of such a thing being made public terrifies me. Anyhow, who’s business is it what I wear under my jeans and tee shirt? I’ve never asked any of my mates what underwear they have on, so I made sure I kept my secret safe until very recently, and this is going to sound like a 1970’s comedy sketch.

Not so long ago I found myself rummaging round my wife’s underwear and I found a lacy all in one body suit. I thought I’d give it a go and changed into it. Low and behold it looked really good and felt fantastic (although a little small!). There I was in our bedroom admiring myself in the mirror when my wife who had been sleeping under the covers popped up and stared straight at me.

I was mortified and don’t think I’ve ever been so embarrassed in my life, and I can tell you straight, I’ve been in some embarrassing situations.

However, rather than freak out my wife asked quite calmly “what are you wearing? Let me see”.

After my shock at being caught subsided, we spoke about my love of lingerie and she really got into the idea.

Whilst my secret remains a secret between my wife and I, it really has been a revelation, and is now something we share together and enjoy without embarrassment.'


Based on the number of women who buy Moot for their male partners, we know that it is far from unusual for hetrosexual couples to have a LOT of fun when the man is dressed in beautiful underwear. Some of our female customers have told us that finally they have a chance to be on the receiving end of being able to touch and stroke the silky fabrics, the lacy edges, the sheer stockings and this has added an amazing new aspect to their intimate relationships. 


Here's to a world that becomes increasingly less fearful of people who prefer one type and shape of material over another. Because that's really all it is. 




  • Michelle

    Yassss!! I am so happy to see more folks feeling comfortable with this! Dated a guy years ago who preferred wearing women’s underwear (“looks great, I feel sexier … and it fits better and is more comfortable, to boot”) and it was in no way a turn-off! Love all of this, thank you!

  • Rain

    I can’t express enough how glad I am for both of you. Having an understanding, supportive wife, girlfriend, lover or whatever relates to finding a needle in a haystack, really. Unfortunately, my now ex-wife falls into the majority of women who unloaded all of her perspective at my face the hardest way possible. Shall I dare to reveal my desires after that to anyone? No, never. I mean, I try to be open minded, respecting other people and everything, but at least in my part of the world I feel I’m the only one. Best of luck!

  • Joe

    Great story. Although most of these we hear don’t have the successful ending you mention, it is a constant struggle of sharing vs. hiding in shame. Here’s to us men gaining the courage to share more of our authentic selves and our partners being ok with it even liking it!

  • Brandon C

    Hey guys, my secret of wearing lingerie, is similar to Joe’s, except, I’m gay, and in the gay world oddly, it seems highly unaccepted to wear tights, thongs, or bikinis. Guys act feminine, but they don’t enjoy seeing this type of underwear on their male partners usually. I’ve struggled with wearing boxers around my boyfriend, versus enjoying wearing thongs and lingerie under my jeans. I get told by other gay men how fem or “gay” it is, or that it’s a turn off. I’ve enjoyed wearing sexy underwear since I was 13. Especially tights sometimes. I’ve worked hard at the gym to have the body for it, but ran into lots of disapproval when dating. Until recently, I stopped caring, and now wear thongs, lace bikini/thongs, or regular bikini briefs daily. Oddly, the straight guys in the gym locker rooms when changing see it and don’t care. Now that I own my underwear fetish with confidence, my current BF (who likes ultra-masculinity only), enjoys seeing it in the bedroom. It’s all about your confidence level, and not caring what others think. If you own it when changing, in a relationship, or even just in the bedroom, people will either appreciate it or at least not give negative opinions of it. Women tend to be a lot more accepting of a male lingerie fetish than gay men. But overall, be you and own what you like. The rest will follow.

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