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The Confidence Paradox

We wanted to ask Ray at what point he acknowledged a desire to wear something that as a man, he wasn’t ‘supposed’ to wear, and how did he feel in himself?, firstly acknowledging it and later, acting upon it. We wanted to hear about his internal feelings, not how other people reacted, but what the impact was like for him. And why despite people calling it cross-dressing, we don't think it's cross-dressing at all! It's simply dressing. Damn fine dressing. 

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The Rebels we Love

Anna, who works in the little Moot team, knows one such man quite well. A child that she once taught in her school class, with whom she has kept in touch with over the years. A little boy who struggled to fit into the sporty world, the popular crowd, a boy who knew early on that he had to hide the things that he really liked for fear of being laughed at. Well, just have a look at him now. 

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